Friday, July 25, 2008

Bumbo Boy

Isn't it great that I've already learned the concept of alliteration? While I'm not ready for a full-fledged endorsement, I like the sound of my new favorite chair followed by boy which makes me sound like either a superhero or strange object of national pity... "Never fear, Bumbo Boy is here!" or "Awww, look at how hard Bumbo Boy is trying to just fit in like the rest of us." In either case, I like the sound of my new name. Keep these pix on the DL though because Mommy snuck me into my Bumbo a developmental stage or two too early. I'm supposed to have complete control of my head and be able to constantly hold it up on my own, but I won't tell if you don't.

1 comment:

Danese Jundt said...

Gramma and Poppa love our little "Bumbo Boy" : ) Hugs and kisses!