Sunday, August 31, 2008
School Shopping with Daddy
This is me waiting in the car while Daddy picked up a few things for the new school year. I can't wait to visit his classroom...all the kids love me.

Go Ducks!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
(but I have a feeling that in order to convince you, Daddy will need to photoshop out Grandpa Pop-Pop)
Friday, August 29, 2008
I can't hear you when I'm sleeping...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Phelps Schmelps!
Everyone makes such a big deal out of Michael Phelps and his body proportions. At 6'4" he has the legs of a 6' man and the torso of a 6'10" man or something like that. That's nothing! I have the legs of a 2'8" man and the torso of a 3'5" man. Now that's something to get excited about.
Not to mention the sheer speed in which I can kick my legs and flap my arms... look it's so fast that it can't even be photographed!
(BTW-My Dad threw the towel over my "swimsuit area" to abide with Blogger's nudity policy. As you can see I'm a little nervous about getting busted.)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
child prodigy
My parents were both getting so excited when I started pressing down the keys on Daddy's Rhodes. They started going on about a child prodigy and how this may be the way they'll finally pay off their student loans. I feel bad telling them that I was just trying to find what appeared to be a lost Cheerio.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
We have ways of finding the truth...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Football Baby
I'm starting to think that I'm becoming a football. Whenever I go somewhere with Mommy and Daddy, I get passed around from person to person like I'm a baton. Sadly, in the United States, batons get dropped with an alarming frequency, so I'd rather think of myself as a football. Besides the fact that it's clearly my Daddy's favorite sport, I like footballs, because the players are taught to cradle the football close to their bodies and maintain "5 points of contact" (Dad hasn't explained that one yet). I like the thought of being cradled and highly valued as I'm passed around, since we in the USA seem to value footballs more than batons.
I went to school with Daddy and spent most of my time being passed around from one stranger to another. I remember Annie and Angie, my Daddy's co-workers pretty well. Mainly, I know Annie best because she visited me in the hospital and never lets me go when she holds me. Some other strangers carried me around and I had to do so much smiling and giggling that I ended up so tired that I fell asleep in Daddy's class (He told me not to worry because I wasn't the first one to do this).
Saturday, August 23, 2008
My First Wedding!
Lucky me! Tonight I made it to my first wedding. Daddy's friend and band mate Jon Jones was getting hitched (this is what my Daddy said, but they never hooked him up to a cart or horse).
From what I can tell, a wedding is where two pretty people are surrounded by a bunch of other pretty people, all of whom have very nice (and very hot with all of the men wearing black in the late summer) clothes on. They stand around for awhile and smile a lot while another man talks for too long to all of the less pretty people in the crowd (my Daddy yawned a few times). I think that this man tells everyone a sad story, or maybe it's about something sad that happened to a mommy, because all of the mommies (even my Mommy) started crying. Or maybe the mommies were crying because of all of the yawning that the daddies were doing (It's hard for me to tell because I'm still a baby).
The wedding seemed pretty fancy to me. It was at the Portland Art Museum where there are a bunch of very pale, very naked, and very still people that stand around all of the time. I don't think they ever moved the entire time we were there. There was even one of these still, pale ladies who was missing both of her arms.
I had a good time and I even got to dress up in some new brown overalls. My Daddy and I both wore yellow shirts and brown outfits. We all looked so cool that we decided to take this picture:
Friday, August 22, 2008
since some of you have asked...
Several of you out there in cyber-nets have been wondering what I have been doing. More importantly why have I not posted recently? I wish I had a good reason (more than my usual need to focus on the extremely important developmental stages that I not only reach, but smash to pieces), but I really don't.
It's not for lack of blog-worthy material for, rest assured, I do something completely adorable and earth-shatteringly cute every single day. Never fear, I'll catch the blog back up and let you know what I've been up to, but for the most part, I've just been having a really good time hanging out with my Mommy and Daddy as the picture below seems to indicate.
It's not for lack of blog-worthy material for, rest assured, I do something completely adorable and earth-shatteringly cute every single day. Never fear, I'll catch the blog back up and let you know what I've been up to, but for the most part, I've just been having a really good time hanging out with my Mommy and Daddy as the picture below seems to indicate.
Friday, August 15, 2008
look into my eyes
Thursday, August 14, 2008
command center
So I must be gaining in importance because I now get to sit at the controls of what seems to be a very important console. I believe I'm either commanding some kind of missile defense system or perhaps I'm keeping a nuclear power plant from entering meltdown. Whatever the case I feel pretty important and I'm starting to get the hang of everything. See the ease and finesse with which I push this button?
Now if only I knew what this yellow thing did...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hello Morning!
If I ever play in a band like my Daddy I think Hello Morning would be an awesome name, but in this case it simply describes how I feel each day.
This is me literally seconds after waking up. I greet each day with a long series of smiles and wonder what is in store. How could I not be happy at the sight of another shiny day (and I think even though I have yet to experience one, that I'll like the cloudy ones too)?
I think that most adults could learn a lot from me about how to start your day. Maybe I could teach some lessons...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Apparently there are these stories that are typed up and printed on paper called books. My Mommy and Daddy read these fat ones with tiny pages with the names of famous people on them. My books are short and skinny with really fat pages and characters with funny voices. My Daddy makes all of the voices and I'm still undecided on whether he likes to make them more, or I like to hear them more, but we both have fun.
When it gets into the middle of the afternoon, Daddy shouts to "Drop Everything And Read!" and that's when the books come out. So far, my favorite is Barnyard Animals. Each time it gets to the part with the donkey, I'm surprised (and a little startled) by the sound he makes. My books are a lot of fun, but there's one on the coffee table about an Obama that looks rather interesting...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
hello? anyone home?
Saturday, August 9, 2008
this one's for the ladies!
I thought I'd lean into the camera and whisper to my female readers that in 2026 (or sooner depending on how prude my parents end up being) I'll be totally available.
As you can see I have a great smile, I'm well dressed, and I am a great listener (I rarely talk over you... or even talk at all). So save the date, because I'm sure that demand will be high!
And for those of you that prefer the coy approach, a can also do aloof.
Friday, August 8, 2008
3 pack
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I believe I can touch the sky
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
hand model
My parents think that I'm fascinated with my hands. While this is an appropriate developmental stage for my age they are so wrong. They don't know that I've devised this way to tell time using my wrist as a sundial. So when Daddy is kissing me repeatedly with his gross beard, I'm looking at my wrist and timing things to see how soon it will end. Here I am using this method to figure out if I have time to play with Kazu.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Brett Favre
Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008
first concert
Saturday, August 2, 2008
lunch date
Friday, August 1, 2008
"Gah-goo blag-bap?"
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