So I have heard that language acquisition is one of the key developments that I am to master over the next few months. I've been comfortable taking my time in spite of my parents' desire to catalog and transition me from one stage to the next. Since my discovery at Easter that my cousin Payton, that she can walk and I can't, I've felt some pressure.
I think my dad may be a tad too competitive because he keeps letting my hand go at random times and saying things like, "Your cousin can do this," and "C'mon she's a month-and-a-half younger than you!" I really don't mind and will take my precious time. Besides, if the other two hairy siblings in my house can get away with crawling, why can't I? They have had close to nine years to figure things out.
In any case, one area in which I excel is speaking. I have been working on all of my consonant and vowel sounds. Here's what I've been working on lately:
1) Ba! *pictured above (this sound has been my fave since birth and can be applied to Kazu's balls (grow up people), my Daddy's head, and even as I pound my highchair)
2) Ddddddzzzzshhhh! (I have no idea if this is an English phenome, but I say it constantly)
3) Ahn (I think that someday this will be the beginning of ANother, ANatomy, and ANti-fungal, but for now, it's what I like to grunt in between bites of dinner in my highchair)
4) Nah (the inverse of the above, the two of which are often paired, or even added to number 1)
5) EEEEEEEE! (This varies from under the breath whisper to banshee wail and could quickly become my favorite)
6) HeHeHeHe *pictured below. (this is really just my laugh or giggle, but I anticipate using it the rest of my life)
7) Dah-Dun (I have yet to decide whether-or-not this is my way of saying doggie or daddy, but I apply it to both equally)
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