Well after all of those years that my Daddy had to sing "Pa-rum-pa-pa-pum," he has finally found a reason to like the song. It seems that this whole time the little drummer boy was in fact, me, his little boy. I may not have the widest range of beats, or the best rhythm developed yet, but I do know all that it takes to be a pretty cool drummer. Check it out:
So first, all great drummers make sure that they use both hands and both feet and hit everything in sight. So as you can see, I have the both hands thing going, but sadly, my feet don't quite reach the pedals yet. When they do though, watch out because as you can see, the purple puppy shoes are clearly going to be the next great trend in footwear.
The next thing that all great drummers do is look cool. You can't make it look like you're working really hard, or you end up looking constipated. Or worse yet, you end up looking all cramped up and seizure prone like that guy from the
Romantics. So the key is to look like drumming comes so naturally to you that you could be looking over your shoulder, ordering a pizza, or reading a book while playing. It should like something like this:
Finally, you should look like you are having fun when playing drums. You definitely want to hit them hard and look like a
bad animal, but you certainly don't want to look like you are in pain. You want to look like it's the best thing you could be doing with your time. Even better than writing your blog. So that would look something like this: