one of the nice things about the summer is the hip accessories. never before have I been able to look so good in my sunglasses. I think that they make me so cool that I wear them inside. pretty much at all times. now, while my Daddy says that wearing sunglasses inside is something "reserved for knuckleheads," he's allowing me to be the exception to the rule.
I've been practicing the dramatic reveal of my eyes, which is one of the coolest things that you can do while wearing sunglasses. It looks like this to start out:

Pretty cool huh? Sadly though, my little fingers are somewhat less than dexterous, so most of the times, the dramatic reveal ends up looking like this:

I guess it takes a little work to pull off looking this cool. That said, I'm committed to the cause and believe that I can accomplish my goal to be the cutest toddler in the western hemisphere (I mean honestly, who can keep up with some of those Japanese toddlers that begin training in the womb?).
My current training regimen includes a lot of looking at myself in the mirror, so if I don't answer my mobile, that's most likely what I am doing.