Thursday, July 31, 2008

Daddy time

I got to spend the entire morning with my Daddy today while Mommy was working. He's pretty fun, the way he makes me laugh and he's pretty good at changing my diaper. It takes him a lot longer to calm me down though when I start to cry. He never lets me suck on his chest which normally works for me (I wonder if he knows about that? He should talk to Mommy). So this picture takes place after an hour or so of him trying really hard to get me to sleep.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

my mother the couch

My parents would love to believe that when I spend half my morning in their arms smiling at them that it's because of them. I feel bad saying that it really has nothing to do with them. As I showed this morning, all I really need to be happy is a large inanimate object. Today I was in Daddy's arms on the couch and smiling up a storm. Unlike normal though, I wasn't looking across at my Mommy, the source of my happiness was the green couch. I love it a lot, just not quite as much as my Mommy and Daddy.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Garden Gnome

I went out for my first breakfast this morning! Mom and Dad took me to Bob's Red Mill where we met up with Uncle Ben. I like this outfit, but somehow I feel like I should be sitting in someone's front garden with a pipe and maybe a watering can and even a beard. I wonder why?

Monday, July 28, 2008

gimme five

Man! When I see my hand inside of my Daddy's I realize that I still have a lot of growing to do.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

the ways of the dark side

My parents say that I make a face that looks like Yoda when I suck in my lower lip (which I evidently do a great deal of the time). Since this has yet to be captured in a picture, I'll share the next best thing, which is my backpack sling carry with my mommy. Imagine that Mommy is Luke Skywalker and that I am a little green Jedi and I think this picture will make way more sense. That, and I'm whispering in Mommy's ear that, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” I think that is why she is smirking at me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bumbo Boy

Isn't it great that I've already learned the concept of alliteration? While I'm not ready for a full-fledged endorsement, I like the sound of my new favorite chair followed by boy which makes me sound like either a superhero or strange object of national pity... "Never fear, Bumbo Boy is here!" or "Awww, look at how hard Bumbo Boy is trying to just fit in like the rest of us." In either case, I like the sound of my new name. Keep these pix on the DL though because Mommy snuck me into my Bumbo a developmental stage or two too early. I'm supposed to have complete control of my head and be able to constantly hold it up on my own, but I won't tell if you don't.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

bath time

My Mommy loves to bathe me. It seems like lately she's giving them to me every other day. I love it in the warm tub. I can kick my legs and splash water all about, but it's when I have to get out and I get wrapped up in the towel that I start to question the whole proposition... as you can see in this picture, I'm not convinced yet.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

not milk?

I have my eyes all over my Mommy's breakfast, which I'm told is a type of food that doesn't come from inside of a breast. I'm both perplexed and excited about this so called, "solid food."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I am now able to smile voluntarily and no one makes me smile more than my Daddy. He makes me laugh when he changes my diaper, as you can see in these three pictures.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome to my blog

It's not that hard to imagine in this information age that a seven-week-old baby would start a blog. So here I am, Liam Morrissey, a baby with a blog, or perhaps a blog-by or babe-log, I'm still working that part out.

So check it out and we'll see what I can get away with before my parents find out. I imagine I'll do a picture of the day, or maybe just share the silly things my parents do each day. Take Dad, he burned his hand on his morning tea today. I didn't think it was funny, I was actually proud of him for not cussing like a sailor (he sometimes does that).

So here's a first picture-of-the-day. I'm standing on Dad's belly (before the tea incident) trying hard to both hold my head up and stand up on my own. I have a feeling that once I can accomplish those two things my parents' lives will be over.